Whip hippo kubu mvubu hide sjambok | seekoei sambok
SKU 49016
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R 995.00
R 995.00
R 995.00
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R 995.00
The sjambok or litupa is a heavy leather whip. It is made from an adult hippopotamus hide. A strip of the animals hide is cut and carved into a strip 0.9 to 1.5 metres (3 to 5 ft) long, tapering from about 25 mm (1 in) thick at the handle to about 10 mm (3?8 in) at the tip. This strip is then rolled until reaching a tapered-cylindrical form. The resulting whip is both flexible and durable. They are an effective weapon to kill snakes and ward off dogs and other attackers and are still carried in public by many South Africans for self-defense. Other names include Imvubu , Kiboko ,Mnigolo,Litupa ,Chicote ,Fimbo ,Kurbash ,Shaabuug. SEEKOEI SAMBOK